Benefits of Group Yoga & Fitness Classes
Have you been missing the hot room? Come sweat with us! Practicing yoga or working out with a group of people has so many amazing benefits.
Get Pumped Up and Inspired
While you might not hold standing bow for the full minute or finish that last round in the tabata while working out solo, you’ll find that the strength you needed was there all along when you have friends cheering you on! The group energy is strong and supportive at The Foundry!
Improve Your Form
Our teachers are always here to help you with your postures and exercises to make sure you are getting the most out of your class. You get the motivation of getting healthy & fit with a group of supportive people, as well as the focused attention of a fitness professional.
Fill Up Your Tank
One thing we know for sure, it takes energy to make things happen. Enjoying time each day to unplug from the outside world and plug into yourself on the mat. Recharge your soul. Fill up your tank with us so you can go out in the world and be your best self!
Engage With Our Community (#foundryfam)
There’s something special about being a part of a community of people who are all working towards the same goals — better health, better fitness, and better lifestyles. When you’re part of The Foundry Fam, there will always be somebody who has your back.
Mutual Accountability
When you exercise or do yoga as part of a group, your presence is valued — and your absence is noticed. When you develop an expectation with your classmates to persevere with your goals, we believe you’ll find it easier and easier to make the choice to show up and join your Foundry Fam for class!
Ready to take class with us?!?
Download The Foundry AZ app on Apple or Android to sign up for class today!