Blog - Hot Yoga, Pilates, Barre, HIIT, Yin Yoga, Wellness — The Foundry

An Update from Us

Dear Students,

On June 26th we celebrated our 14th anniversary in business! It was an anniversary like no other... no party... no sales... no real celebration. As owners we anticipate challenges, but never did we imagine a scenario where we would be mandated to close the studios and not to be able to provide the hot yoga and fitness environment that makes such a huge impact on our wellbeing, health, and for many of us our sanity.

Luckily we practice yoga... we believe in finding peace no matter what the circumstance and we are flexible enough to change with the times. And luckily we have the MOST AMAZING COMMUNITY. We have seen many yoga studios and small businesses close, but because of the tremendous support we have received we are able to remain operational and keep some of our staff and teachers working. Thank you! Thank you!

Yesterday we were informed that the mandate to keep fitness centers closed has been extended at least another two weeks and they will continue to evaluate and extend until Arizona's COVID numbers are more manageable. 

We know that many of you are missing the HOT room! Starting immediately we will be selling Private Class bookings at all 4 studios. See below for more info! Planning a trip to Flagstaff??? Nicole would love to see you. Book an apt with her or one of the Flagstaff teachers HERE. You can create your own PRIVATE retreat!!  

We will also continue OUTDOOR classes. Starting in August these remain FREE for active members and will be $10 for visiting students.

It was so nice to be open and with all of you in June. We learned a lot about what the future holds!! Operating at 50% of our capacity with our operational expenses staying at nearly 100% is not a long term option for us. In order to stay viable and also to give you MORE opportunities and options we have to change our membership structure. If you have an active membership you will stay at your same rate and you will be able to practice up to 8 times each month! Unlimited Memberships will be available at an increased price and you will have the freedom to take more classes with more availability.

If you have an active membership throughout the rest of the year you will continue to get access to The Foundry Online (TFO), your rates will stay the same (membership will change to be able to take up to 8 classes), FREE outdoor classes, and 20% off of your membership in 2021!  

We know that we are not the only ones trying to figure out how to make businesses and finances work right now. Please keep moving and stay connected. We have a free section on TFO that updates every couple of weeks and Outdoor Classes available at discounted rates!  

We are so grateful for all of your continued support! If you have any questions please let us know.

See you on the Mat Soon,

Nicole, Todd, Niki, and Heidi Jo


*FREE* O U T D O O R classes + More Online Offerings!

Hello Foundry Family,

We wanted to check in and say hello and fill you in on a few things!! We do not know an official re-opening date yet.... we will keep you updated when we have more information. We are trying to create opportunities for us to all stay connected and healthy during this time. 

Please reach out to us via email if you have any questions!

Loving you all,
Your Foundry Family


Outdoor Classes!

We are offering FREE outdoor classes weekly! Everyone is invited!

Bring a mat, water, and a mask to wear when you are not on your mat. Practice social distancing and give yourself space between mats. We can't wait to see you! (Photo above is from Sunset Yoga in 2014)

Mondays 6:30pm
HIIT in the Park with Todd 
(Chaparral Park in Old Town - South Ramada)

Thursdays 7:00am
HIIT in the Park with Niki & Kristin
(Sereno Park: 56th St & Sweetwater)

Fridays 6:30pm
Power Yoga in the Park with Todd
(Chaparral Park in Old Town - South Ramada)

Saturdays 7:00am
Pilates in the Park with Heidi Jo
(Christy Cove Park: 24th St, just north of Shea)

Please make sure to sign up using 'The Foundry AZ' app to reserve your spot.(To comply with state regulations, outdoor classes will be limited to 50 ppl)


Learn from Gianna!

We have workshops and weekly classes on TFO now with Gianna!

Tuesdays on TFO | 12noon | 60min Hatha Flow - all levels!
This is a regularly scheduled class on our zoom schedule now and there is no additional fee, just have your TFO account set up! Set up your account HERE. First week is FREE!

Saturday, July 11th | 11:00a-12:30p
Backbends & Twists Workshop
Gianna will focus on the alignment specifics and benefits of back bending postures and twisting postures. From standing to laying back bends, and all the twisting positions, Gianna will explain how to get maximum benefits and optimal alignment in these positions. $25 to attend this workshop (includes recording as well for you to practice more later!) SIGN UP HERE!

Sunday, July 12th | 11:00a-12:30p
Inversions & Strength Workshop
Gianna will focus on the alignment specifics and benefits of inversion postures, and strengthening exercises for the upper body. Whether you're new to getting upside down, or an experienced handstand-er, Gianna will give insight and instruction to propel all levels into new strength in these positions. $25 to attend this workshop (includes recording as well for you to practice more later!) SIGN UP HERE!



We are continually updating our online platform to better serve our community.  In our On-Demand Section you will see a new tab called "Last Week Live".  These are some of the live recordings from the zoom classes the previous week that you can take on-demand now. We will change these out weekly. So if you miss a class you were hoping to take, check the "Last Week Live" section! Speaking of missing classes, if you missed Gianna's Hatha Flow yesterday, it is in the Last Week Live section now for you to take! We are so thrilled to have Gianna and Casey teaching on for us now. These two incredible yoga teachers have both taught and lead workshops at our studios in the past, so you may recognize them. To learn more about our TFO teachers click here!


Both Saturday, 7/11 and Sunday 7/12 we will just be offering a 9:30am Bikram Yoga class with Cintra on our live-stream to accommodate the workshops at 11am. Gianna will lead her workshops at 11:00am both days. Please see above to register for the workshops.

To stay the most up-to-date on all Foundry things, we highly recommend to follow us on Instagram or Facebook. We post daily to these accounts. We try to not send too many emails as we know people do not love that. So make sure to follow us on social media.


End of a Decade Recap!

Dear Students,

What a decade! We started out with one studio, our original "Bikram Yoga PV" on the NE corner of Tatum & Thunderbird. We were sandwiched between Domino’s Pizza and Nee House Chinese Restaurant, coupled with the carpet in the studio, the smells were interesting to say the least!! We offered solely 90-minute Bikram Yoga, and about 30 classes per week. We laid our mats out on the concrete in the sun to let them dry after class. We had one shower and toilet in each locker room and no water fountain. It was OG and simple and we didn't know any different! But we knew we were on to something. People were leaving happier and healthier than when they came in.

We have had a lot of change these last ten years, but our mission remains the same! We are still committed to provide a multi-dimensional experience that empowers people to fearlessly pursue positive change in themselves and in the world around them. We have continued to transform and evolve and we have grown out of providing just Bikram Yoga, we have become a place where lives are transformed through multiple modalities while surrounded by a positive, like-minded community. We have become The Foundry! Moving forward, we’re committed to providing the best methodologies for yoga, exercise, and personal transformation. We believe that by inspiring people to grow and evolve themselves, they will spark joy and happiness. Our hope is that this ripple effect will spread and empower their relationships, their friends, their families, the community, and eventually the world.

Here is a look back on the last decade and our transformations and growth:

  • We changed our name to The Foundry 

  • We moved PV to its current location at the SE corner of Tatum & Thunderbird (more than doubling the studio square footage!) 

  • We added two new studios: Old Town Scottsdale & Tempe-Mesa!!!

  • We added new class offerings: Hot Pilates, Hot HIIT, Hot Barre, Power Yoga, Basic Yoga, Express Yoga, Handstands, and Meditation

  • Across the 3 studios we now offer 164 classes per week!!!

  • We have upgraded the flooring at all 3 of our studios to Zebra Yoga & Fitness Flooring (yay no more carpet!) 

  • Our staff grew from 15 people in 2010 to an amazing 62 in 2020. 

  • We started our own Teacher Training School and have now hosted 14 trainings and have had 120 people graduate!

  • We have hosted 3 International Retreats in Bali with 2 more already scheduled and sold out for September 2020 in Costa Rica!

  • We have hosted over 50 workshops at our studios, ranging from in-depth posture clinics to transformational self-development courses

  • We have donated over $10,000 to local schools and charities

  • We were completely INSPIRED and AMAZED by the 30,405 students who came to our studios, taking a total of 692,583 classes this past decade!!!!

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for being a part of our Foundry Family. This decade has been amazing and we are beyond grateful for all of you. It is because of each and every one of you, that we get to continue on this journey of transformation. Thank you for your continued support, patience, and dedication to your Self. When you show up on your mat, you not only take care of you, but you take care of those around you - the ones who show up to practice beside you, the teacher who gets to teach that class, and the loved ones who get a more calm and focused you as a result of your practice.

We can't wait to see you and sweat with you in this new decade! Join us for the 2020 Start Strong Challenge. The goal is to complete 30 classes in 6 weeks. You can start anytime in between January 1st - January 6th! 


Your Foundry Family

new PV front.jpg

Bikram Yoga: the 26&2 prescription for HEALTH!

There are many types of yoga available to us today, and it is no secret that Bikram method yoga is relatively rigid. The order of the sequence and duration of the class are not subject to the whims of the instructors. Instead, we adhere to the prescription we know to work: the same 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises in the same order every time.

This sequence is designed to build each posture upon the last, preparing your body for the asanas that come next. You start with pranayama breathing to invigorate yourself and set your intention, then gradually wake your body up to its maximum flexibility, circulation, endurance, and oxygenation over the course of the class. The more you come, the more you can see and feel how the poses work together—increasing your heart rate through balancing stick so that you receive even more circulatory benefits from the inversion of separate leg stretching; strengthening and warming up your spine in the belly-down series so that you can reach your fullest potential in camel and rabbit, the two deepest bends in class. Posture by posture you target each part of your body for a revitalizing, therapeutic practice.

Ninety minutes gives you time to be present with yourself, learn something new, give all of your effort, and rest fully within each class. In 90 minutes you get the chance not only to push yourself, but also to explore stillness, an integral part of the balance of a hatha yoga class.

And it works. Studies are just starting to be completed that prove with western science what yogis have known for a long time (and what you might already know in your body): Bikram yoga in particular improves lower body strength, lower and upper body range of motion, and balance. Other studies suggest that it also improve glucose tolerance, bone mineral density, blood lipid profile, arterial stiffness, mindfulness, and perceived stress.

But you don't need to take our word for it. Come to class and find out exactly what this yoga does for yourself.


Photo Credit: Evan Villavaso at The Foundry Paradise Valley

Sources: US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bikram Yoga of Corvallis,


Foundry Flagstaff Coming Soon!

Foundry Flagstaff Coming Soon!

Dear Students,

This June we will be celebrating our 13th Anniversary!! We have grown from the original PV studio with less than 20 members to having 3 beautiful studios Valley wide, all with thriving communities!! We owe this all to you, our wonderful students and amazing teachers and staff. Thank you for your continued support and investing your time and energy with us.

This year we will embark on our biggest journey yet. 6,000 feet higher, 150 miles north, and 30 degrees cooler we will be opening up our 4th location, The Foundry Flagstaff!

We want to build a space not just for the Flagstaff community, but also for our Valley family to have a place of refuge. A 2nd home away from home, to do retreats and unplug, to connect with your sense of peace, and to find your strength. 

We have an incredible opportunity to reopen the original Bikram Yoga studio in downtown Flagstaff and bring not only Bikram yoga, but all the Foundry classes and the magic of it's community to this beautiful town.

The studio was built in 2004 and has been closed for the last two years. We are raising money to create a state of the art studio that you will LOVE to come and visit. These renovations include new flooring in the yoga room, an industrial humidifying system, new paint, new floor and floorboards throughout, lockers, upgrades to the lobby, changes to the bathrooms and locker rooms, a full retail wall, and more.

We have considered many options for funding our new dream project. Todd started hinking, maybe our current students would want to help us "Found the Foundry in Flagstaff"! So, for the first time ever we are fundraising for our new location.

If you would like to help and become a "Foundry Founder" we have awesome limited edition founder t-shirts, towels, and hydroflasks!! In exchange for your generosity, we are also offering a limited number of life-time memberships at the Flagstaff location AND at all 4 Foundry locations

Click here to buy Fundraising Packages and Swag!

Your support will provide us the ability to start our 4th location and keep on track with our vision for the valley studios. Our goals are to continue to upgrade all three locations to world class facilities, and perhaps most importantly, to continue to grow our teachers pay and benefits so that they can make a living out of their passions.

We would love your help forging ahead!! Please let us know if you have any questions. We are so excited about expanding to Flagstaff!  

Let's Party in the Pines,

Nicole & Todd
