Blog - Hot Yoga, Pilates, Barre, HIIT, Yin Yoga, Wellness — The Foundry

The Hardest Part is Just Getting There

By Erin Wall

You've probably heard before the teacher starts class, "The hard part is over, you are on your mat and towel". We all know sometimes just getting to the studio is the hardest part. Whether your alarm is set for 4:45 to get out of bed or you have to come directly from work, it is so easy to talk yourself out of class and into hitting your snooze button or hitting happy hour with your friends instead. The internal battle of "Should I go take class today?" can be never-ending for some of us. I can't tell you how many times I have sat in my car (in my driveway or in front of the studio) contemplating till the last possible second if I want to take class. A lot of times I would rather stay in bed a little longer or work more or fill my day with anything but the yoga, but 99% of the time I get out of my car and walk into the studio for class. Usually the question I ask myself anytime I'm in this predicament is "Have you ever regretted taking class?", the answer is always no! No matter how much effort it takes to get there, you are always so happy you made it when the 90 minutes is over and you are enjoying your final savasana. There is no better feeling. I hear so often as our students walk into the studio, "I almost didn't come today; I am tired, I am so busy, I am having a really bad day, etc". These are all very normal feelings and thoughts, and the days where it is hard to get to class are the days you really need it. You always feel better even if you can't do as much for whatever reason. This yoga can be really hard and if you have been coming awhile you know it challenges you both mentally and physically. Sometimes that is the reason behind not wanting to do the yoga; its in your face and its pushing your own buttons and bringing up things you're trying to hide or escape from. It's not easy to face your own self everyday. You know there are days where you struggle with balance or during the floor series, or you feel like you can't breathe or focus on anything. Regardless of what you're feeling and experiencing during a certain posture or throughout class, no matter how much you can or can't do on any given day, no matter how much you are struggling; you always feel better at the end of the 90 minutes. It's so worth it. Just get there, I promise you will never regret it, I never do! :)

Are You Eating the Menu, Instead of the Food?

By Stephen Rumpp

There has never been a better time than in this moment to find your Self.  Metaphysically speaking, it is the only place Self can be found.

We’ve heard this occasionally from various wise thinkers and yet, our relationship to the present moment too often remains largely conceptual.  We develop a framework for experiencing our circumstances rather than an evolving practice of experiencing our lives in the moments we are living.  Eating the menu instead of the food, as it is said.

Yoga offers the perfect laboratory within which to practice the art of mindfulness.  Using the body to strengthen the mind.  The habit of practicing mindfulness while doing yoga asana helps us align our bodies in concert with our minds, providing access to the Self.

We are human after all and we have a lot going on.  We live lives that are incredibly complex, requiring us to be good at a host of things all at the same time in order just to survive each day.  Fair enough.  Mindfulness sometimes takes a back seat to action, but in this process we can become dissatisfied.  Bikram calls it the ‘screw loose’ brain.

How about this.  We did not start out knowing much.  We came with great tools no doubt.  Our amazing human body, brain and instincts have allowed us to learn about the world into which we have entered one step at a time.  As our years add up, we create quite a storage room of skills, talents, beliefs and habits.  Sometimes referred to as life knowledge.  All this is fine and necessary if we are to continue through time together.

But from our earliest moments it is our mindfulness that affords us the good fortune to synthesize ideas, objects, relationships into meaningful outcomes.  Just watch a baby if you don’t get what I’m saying.  As a baby’s eyes absolutely absorb the object of their moment, drool runs from their mouth, arms flail, fingers reach, toes curl, sounds emit and then rapture, the telling sign of success in their task, a wide and gleeful smile.  In the moment, being the moment, nothing but the moment.

As babies gather experience, they naturally move toward multiple achievements rather than remaining 100% focused on a unique task.  Have you observed a toddler lately?  Their skills are substantial and their world is wider with each day.  They become increasingly concerned with the stuff out  in the world at the expense of their total emersion into the singular.  Is it any wonder they are subject to mercurial mood swings?

Fast forward over years of life’s challenges and achievements, and it is not difficult to realize that we have become distanced from our native talent for mindfulness.  Yet, it remains there, underneath it all just waiting for us.  Certain life experiences demonstrate this to us.  The birth of our own child, sudden illness, and many others, call upon us to access our present moment, to access the Self.  Who we are in the present moment.

Being able to access one’s Self is a practice and a skill, the doing of which changes everything.  Yoga heals the body inside and out, yes.  But I dare say equally or more importantly, yoga connects us to our most important distinction; who we are.

Our times call for a kind of global mindfulness.  Clearly, a world of human beings all about action, mostly reruns from history, is not working.  Evidence abounds, new solutions are required.

So remember as you weigh the value of your yoga practice, its challenges and its time requirement, that quite possibly it is your Self that is calling to you.  It calls as loudly as it needs to, in hopes you will breathe life into its essence and in so doing, evolve your ability to experience life’s every moment more fully.  It is in this peaceful state of being that I believe magical things are possible.  Our planet is counting on us.  See you there.

I Want it NOW!

By Constance Bradley

Human beings are seemingly hard-wired to value instant gratification of our needs and wants.  We like to have what we want right now, not later; we don’t want to wait for results.  Today’s society caters to this desire.  Notice the dearth products and services that promise instant push-button results: fast food, diet pills, microwave meals, and airport security fast passes are a few examples.  Even the way we consume digital media has evolved into an instant, “on-demand” model.   Take for example Netflix – a digital distribution service of television and movies – who offers two ways to consume content.  Customers can either receive a DVD of a selected movie in the mail, or they can choose to stream the video instantly via the Internet.  Netflix has 33 million members who stream videos compared with only 8 million who get DVDs by mail (Quirk 2013, Netflix 2013).   Netflix built a successful business by understanding that most people, when given an option, would rather watch a movie instantly on the Internet then wait for the DVD to arrive in the mail.

I’m not arguing against completely eradicating some instant gratification; I enjoy the convenience of using my microwave more than anyone!  However, I think it is important to take a step back and recognize the impact of such behavior in general terms.  Fast isn’t turning us into masters of the universe; in fact, the prospect of instant results is making us more impatient. The need to have instant gratification of our wants and desires is not new, but our expectation of “instant” has become faster and, as a result, our patience is thinner.  We seem to have lost the importance of patience.

This loss of patience also applies to our yoga practice.  We walk into the hot room and are conditioned to expect immediate results: we think our bodies should immediately bend into perfect postures, that we should realize complete stillness during Savasana, and that our minds will be totally calm and peaceful.  When these things don’t happen for us right away, it is common to grow impatient and start to think the yoga is not working for us.  Bikram addresses this very issue and states that patience is the fifth quality of the mind; patience is an essential component of attaining Self Realization.  Even if we have developed the four other qualities of the mind – faith, self-control, determination, and concentration – mental peace will remain out of our grasp if we do not practice patience.  “Your journey to Self-Realization will be a long one,” Bikram writes, “it’s not an overnight thing, like they FedEx it to you or something.  This is a lifelong process you’ve just started; you are going to need patience” (Choudhury 2007).

Growing up, I was constantly reminded that patience is a virtue.  It seems, however, to be a virtue in short supply.  In fact, my family would call me “Patience” rather than “Constance” to remind me of my proclivity towards instant results.   Patience is difficult and at times arduous; it is like hauling a heavy trailer with no assistance.  You know the end is coming, you just don’t know when you are going to get there.  But the good thing about having patience is that you know the end result is always worthwhile.  So, the next time you walk into the hot room and are frustrated by your seeming lack of progress, practice being patient.  Lie still in Savasana, wait your mind out, and eventually you will win.  The mental chatter will subside.  With yoga, overnight results are not the goal; instead, yoga is a lifelong journey that promises to be worth the wait.


Choudhury, Bikram. 2007.  Bikram Yoga. New York: HarperCollins.

Netflix.  2013.

Quirk, Mary Beth.  Feb 7, 2013.  “The End of Saturday Mail Delivery Is Awesome for Netflix, Not So Much for DVD Customers”

10,000 Yoga Classes?!

Imagine taking 2,000 Bikram Yoga classes. Well that's just what our February Student in the Spotlight, Bill Brown, has done!

Bill began his practice in August of 2006. Since then, Bill has practiced in over 70 different studios in 15 different states. Before yoga, he worked out with weights, did cardio, and of course, he golfed! Although he was in great shape, he had suffered injuries earlier in his life that resulted in surgeries on both of his knees and shoulders. Bikram Yoga has really helped to improve those areas that have been operated on.

Besides healing old injuries, the yoga has really helped Bill to detox and keep his health in tip-top condition. In the 6 years that he has been practicing yoga, he has only been sick twice! The yoga has also helped to calm him down. He says, "that's a big one - don't let anything steal your peace".

When asked what advice Bill would give a new student, he says, "Just keep coming as much as you can, the rest will take care of itself." Well we know Bill is taking his own advice as he informs us that his goal is to take 10,000 classes! He explains, "God willing I should get to 10,000 classes in 2039 when I am 88 years young!!!"

The Power of a Pose

Not feeling especially happy today?

There’s a well-known, quick fix solution social psychologists might tell you about … it involves putting a pencil between your back molars and clenching down for about two minutes.  You’ll feel a little happier when it’s over (and not just because you get to relieve your face from the discomfort).  Try it with an open mind – it’s a little weird, but it works.

Here’s the “science” behind the trick. The muscles activating in this “pose” are the same ones that bring a smile to your face.  This biting-down activity is doing more for you than simply “turning a frown upside down” … in theory, it’s securely activating the same tissues and nerves around your mouth to simulate a sense of well-being in your psyche, mimicking a smile without the psychological effort of “faking it.” In other words, you’re letting your neurological system take care of your mental well-being, from the outside in.

The same logic applies to our yoga practice, perhaps in an even broader context.

Think about your body language during the times you feel your happiest, most confident self.  As you walk into a room, perhaps your chest is protruding.  You walk a little taller. When you’re full of good energy … your arms are extended and ready to hug, help, high-five … whatever.  You’re literally a “bigger” version of yourself.  It’s not rocket science – it’s just easy to tell that you’re feeling good by looking at your posture.

On the contrary, during the not-so-great days, you might catch yourself slouching or folding your arms, holding yourself tight for comfort or protection.  You’re a smaller version of you, maybe using those hands to chew your nails as a coping mechanism for your anxiety.

Much like the good old pencil trick, this is how the yoga helps us psychologically from the outside-in.  You’re opening your body.  Expanding your chest, lengthening, stretching … Releasing whatever nervous energy you’re holding up that’s keeping you tight, small, or timid.  By standing tall during tree pose, you’re giving your body permission to feel strong and balanced – even if your mind isn’t 100% there. By proudly releasing your chest in camel, you’re beaming with confidence – even if you’ve had the kind of week that would rather make you feel like crawling into a cave. By enlarging your body, you’re enlarging your mind.

Bottom line … There are those sometimes elusive feelings in life we all strive for:  happiness, confidence, inner peace.  You may not always be feeling these things on the inside … but if you start by displaying them on the outside, through your body, you’ll get there.  Don’t discount the power of a pose, no matter how small it may seem.  Keep it up!