yoga teacher

Become a Certified Yoga or Fitness Teacher with The Foundry – Registration Opens March 1st!

Are you ready to deepen your practice, transform your life, and share the power of yoga & fitness with others? The Foundry’s 2025 Teacher Training is your opportunity to embark on an inspiring journey of self-discovery, growth, and leadership.

📅 Registration Opens: March 1st
📍 Learn More & Apply:

Why Choose The Foundry Teacher Training?

🔥 Comprehensive Curriculum – Master the foundations of yoga/fitness, including anatomy, philosophy, sequencing, and teaching methodology.

🌍 Supportive Community – Train with an incredible group of like-minded individuals and experienced mentors who will guide and support you every step of the way.

💪 Build Confidence & Skill – Whether you want to teach or simply deepen your practice, this training will empower you with the knowledge and confidence to lead powerful, transformative classes.

✨ A Life-Changing Experience – Past trainees call our program “challenging, inspiring, and completely transformative.”

If you’re passionate about yoga or fitness and ready to take the next step, this is your time. Spots are limited, and this program sells out every year—don’t miss your chance!

Five Teacher Trainings to choose from:






Myths of Teacher Training

Myths of Teacher Training

There are many misconceptions surrounding Yoga & Pilates Teacher Training. We’ve set out to debunk the top 6 myths about enrolling in our teacher training program and shed some more light on the topic. Let the myth-busting begin.


“I’m worried that my practice isn’t good enough.”

Ah yes, that all too familiar voice. You know the one. That pesky inner critic that whispers repeatedly that you are not enough. Yoga and Pilates work beyond the physical practice, extending far off the mat. You may only make it to a class here and there, but what matters most is your desire to learn.

Yoga on My Wedding Day

By Niki Fillmore

Our wedding day was one filled with love, joy, laughter, and yoga. That's right, yoga. After all, that is how Nate and I met! (I taught Nate's first class years ago). My bridesmaids and I started the day off by doing a yoga session together in a basement conference room at the hotel. (We let ourselves in!)

This yoga theme continued as our family and friends performed our ceremony and referenced yoga numerous times. And then Nate did it... he said "Lock the Knee"… during his vows. It was awesome. It even made our wedding highlight trailer! 

5 Tips to Practicing Yoga....Not Just Doing Yoga

By Andrea Griego

The only way we learn anything in life is TO practice. So how can you make your yoga experience a good and healthy one?

1.  Arrive early to class so you won't feel anxious or rushed physically and mentally.

2.  Begin to see your yoga practice as relationship building time with YOU!

3. Practice AWARENESS moving into, holding and moving out of postures. Simply begin to notice how you move or think.  This is the first step to create change and learn.

4. Slower is better.....notice your breathing and how it works with you to compliment your practice mind and body.

5. Be impeccable with your form. It's not about pushing your body so much that you sacrifice form and alignment.

Be open to simply practice without any judgment!  Be kind and loving to yourself ...... You have the choice to make your yoga practice an amazing experience that can change your life!

The Hardest Part is Just Getting There

By Erin Wall

You've probably heard before the teacher starts class, "The hard part is over, you are on your mat and towel". We all know sometimes just getting to the studio is the hardest part. Whether your alarm is set for 4:45 to get out of bed or you have to come directly from work, it is so easy to talk yourself out of class and into hitting your snooze button or hitting happy hour with your friends instead. The internal battle of "Should I go take class today?" can be never-ending for some of us. I can't tell you how many times I have sat in my car (in my driveway or in front of the studio) contemplating till the last possible second if I want to take class. A lot of times I would rather stay in bed a little longer or work more or fill my day with anything but the yoga, but 99% of the time I get out of my car and walk into the studio for class. Usually the question I ask myself anytime I'm in this predicament is "Have you ever regretted taking class?", the answer is always no! No matter how much effort it takes to get there, you are always so happy you made it when the 90 minutes is over and you are enjoying your final savasana. There is no better feeling. I hear so often as our students walk into the studio, "I almost didn't come today; I am tired, I am so busy, I am having a really bad day, etc". These are all very normal feelings and thoughts, and the days where it is hard to get to class are the days you really need it. You always feel better even if you can't do as much for whatever reason. This yoga can be really hard and if you have been coming awhile you know it challenges you both mentally and physically. Sometimes that is the reason behind not wanting to do the yoga; its in your face and its pushing your own buttons and bringing up things you're trying to hide or escape from. It's not easy to face your own self everyday. You know there are days where you struggle with balance or during the floor series, or you feel like you can't breathe or focus on anything. Regardless of what you're feeling and experiencing during a certain posture or throughout class, no matter how much you can or can't do on any given day, no matter how much you are struggling; you always feel better at the end of the 90 minutes. It's so worth it. Just get there, I promise you will never regret it, I never do! :)