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love and yoga

Love & Bikram

By Erin Wall My favorite movie as a teenager was “Love & Basketball” mainly because I played basketball and so did my boyfriend at the time. So naturally when I fell in love with Bikram Yoga, I expected my husband would be a yogi too! Not so much…

 One of the hardest parts of Bikram Yoga for me is getting my husband to take class on a regular basis and by regular, I mean once every two or three months. He “hates” it and I can’t blame him all that much because I hate it some days too. What keeps me coming back day in and day out even when I hate it because I know how good it is for me. This is why I want it so bad for him - I don’t want to be 80 years old and rockin’ life while he is complaining about back pain- nor do I want to live a day without him. When I was at teacher training, he came to visit a few times and at one point he told me he would do a 30 day challenge with me when I got home. Well, when I first got back from teacher training, I was on a yoga high; it was all I wanted to do, it was all I wanted to talk about, think about, etc. I figured he would hop on my bandwagon and do his challenge then. There always seemed to be some sort of excuse as to why he couldn’t do the challenge; “I’m going to be out of town a lot this month”, “The holidays are too busy”, “How am I supposed to find time to take two hours out of my day every day” etc.  These are the same excuses we have all used at one point or another. It’s easier to make the excuses then it is to make the commitment to coming every day. It’s hot, it’s hard, and it’s brutally honest. But as most of you know the 90 minutes of struggle, pain, and sacrifice is so worth it. After pushing the yoga on him for a while, I finally gave it a rest and came to terms with it that he just isn’t ready for Bikram Yoga in his life. I even had Bikram sign a book for him that said “Do More Yoga” and gave it to him for Christmas. I’m sure you can guess where that book ended up, no not in the trash… just on the book shelf collecting a lot of dust.  I know at some point it will be a part of his weekly, maybe even daily life. I mean he does still owe me a 30 day challenge.

If your significant other just refuses to do yoga with you or thinks you have completely lost your mind, don’t get upset or take it personal, just do your yoga. One of my favorite quotes is, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.” I figure at some point, the yoga glow will catch on and they will want to have it as well.